Palatino Helvetica , Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk User Guide Palatino Copyright Helvetica *@?Copyright 1994 StarNine Technologies Inc. and its Licensors. /This guide and the software described in it are copyrighted with all rights reserved. Neither the guide nor the software may be copied in whole or part without the written consent of StarNine, **zexcept as described in the license agreement included in this guide. To inquire about where you can purchase this product please contact us at: StarNine Technologies, Inc. 2550 Ninth Street, Suite 112 Berkeley, CA 94710 USA Tel: 510-649-4949 Fax: 510-548-0393 Internet: StarNine ( License and Limited Warranty Agreement nPlease see the License and Limited Warranty Agreement provided in a separate file that accompanies this guide. Times )# rademarks xStarNine and Mail*Link are registered trademarks of StarNine Technologies, Inc. PowerShare and PowerTalk are trademarks *)|and Apple, AppleTalk, EtherTalk, LocalTalk, Macintosh, Mac, and the Apple logo are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, **|Inc. QuickMail is a trademark of CE Software, Inc. All trade names referenced are the service mark, trademark or registered **)trademark of the respective manufacturer. Support *G~Though StarNine is not responsible for maintaining or helping you use the Software, StarNine does at its discretion offer sup- port. For the information regarding where to go to get support simply double-click the Support Info file found on the distribution **~diskette or contact the administrator who installed your software. To receive support you or your administrator must complete *)/and return the enclosed user Registration Card. *b2MAKE SURE THAT YOU SEND IN YOUR REGISTRATION CARD. Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk Helvetica PREFACE About This Guide 7 How to use this guide 7 Conventions 8 , CHAPTER 1 Getting Started 9 System r equir ements 9 Mail*Link QM for PowerT alk softwar Balloon help 1 "Installing Mail*Link QM for PowerT alk 1 Custom installation 12 *6 Download All Messages option 13 F If you ar e updating a pr evious version 14 Contents Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk Helvetica CHAPTER 2 Gateway Configuration 15 Choosing a NameServer 15 *>0Adding the QuickMail Service to the Key Chain 16 Requir ed gateway con guration 18 Requir ed mail account information 18 The delete mail fr om server option 19 Selecting a mail r eader 20 Gateway connect times 20 The State eld 21 )Activating or deactivating the gateway 22 Sending a test message 24 +k:0If the message doesn t appear in your In Tray 27 Check your Out Tray 27 *;'Message status waiting in Out Tray 28 *:$Message status in Out Tray 28 State field 29 Check installation 29 CHAPTER 3 Managing QuickMail Addresses 31 eating personal catalogs fr om addr ess books 31 Importing QuickMail addr ess books 31 Imported addr esses r equiring modi cation 33 Fixing addr %ess entries in an imported catalog 34 Reusing addr esses fr om QuickMail messages 36 Copying a QuickMail addr ess to a personal catalog 36 eating an addr ess template fr om a r )t eply addr ess 37 CHAPTER 4 Finding QuickMail Addresses 39 Using the Find esses pane 39 Changing a r ecipient s status 42 Removing a r ecipient 42 $Using the Find in Catalog command 42 Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk Helvetica , CHAPTER 5 Typing In QuickMail Addresses 45 Using the QuickMail addr ess template 46 About the QuickMail addr ess template 46 )9!or checking in the QuickMail addr ess template 47 F3Copying and modifying an QuickMail catalog entry 47 eating a new catalog user 49 Specifying an addr ess in another mail system 51 Using the T ype-In esses pane 53 Advanced: Internal addr ess r esentation 55 QuickMail addr ess constraints 56 QuickMail addr esses obtained in a Find 56 QuickMail addr esses speci ed in the template 56 QuickMail addr esses that ar e typed manually 57 , CHAPTER 6 Solving Problems 59 PowerT alk and PT/QM pr oblems 59 Mail r )n'eturned with thumbs down indicator 59 QuickMail user r eceives a blank message 60 Bad Con guration in the state eld 61 )c"ess aliases that no longer work 62 Mail is deleted when you r emove PT/QM 62 Gateway installation or con guration err ors 63 PowerT alk pr oblem r eports 64 Gateway err ors 66 le err ors 66 Checking the log le 67 Automatic log le clearing 67 Mail*Link QM for PowerT alk err or codes 67 Macintosh and AppleT alk err or codes 68 QuickMessenger err or codes 69 F Message r elated to Power PCs 70 How to r emove the gateway softwar Index 73 Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk Helvetica PREFACE About This Guide IMail*Link QM for PowerTalk is a personal e-mail gateway. You can use any *2Imail-enabled application in PowerTalk to send and read mail. The gateway *2Gdownloads incoming mail to your In Tray, processes your outbound mail, *2Kand forwards it to the QuickMail system, which in turn either delivers the *2.mail or forwards it on through other gateways. *dKThis guide explains how to install the gateway software and add it to your *2HKey Chain. It also explains how to look up QuickMail addresses, address *2Gmail to QuickMail users or beyond, and how to manage addresses for for- eign mail systems. How to use this guide *YEThis guide presumes that you are already have a QuickMail account on *2Fyour local network and that you are familiar with basic Macintosh and QuickMail skills. *d.This guide contains the following information: ): CHAPTER 1 ; introduces the software and explains how to install it on your Macintosh. Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk ): CHAPTER 2 8 shows how to add the gateway to your Key Chain, supply Fthe basic required configuration, and send a test message through the gateway. ): CHAPTER 3 6 describes how to import your QuickMail address books ?and work with QuickMail addresses in the PowerTalk environment. ): CHAPTER 4 8 shows how to use PowerTalk functions to find QuickMail Faddresses in the NameServer databases, a functionality similar to the QuickMail button. ): CHAPTER 5 7 explains how to use the QuickMail address template to Genter addresses manually. The QuickMail address template is similar to *2Fthe Special Addresses window in QuickMail, except that it requires an *24internal address format for some kinds of addresses. ): CHAPTER 6 : describes common problems. It also explains how to check Athe log file, view problem reports, and interpret error messages. Conventions *Y=The term PT/QM is shorthand for Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk. This guide uses italic )_7type to indicate emphasis. Italic type is also used to >represent a parameter that you must replace with a real value. When a word appears in Courier monospace ! font, you should type that word exactly as it appears. Zapf Dingbats :This symbol indicates text that deserves special emphasis. MPORTANT 8This symbol indicates information that you must know to avoid time-consuming errors. Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk Helvetica , CHAPTER 1 Getting Started GThis chapter lists system requirements, describes the Mail*Link QM for *2?Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk will run on any Macintosh system on *2?which PowerTalk has been installed. PowerShare is not required. More than 2 MB disk space *>BIf PT/QM determines that the Macintosh has less than 2 MB of disk *2Gspace left, it stops sending or receiving new mail and flags a problem report in the In Tray. QuickMail account *>APT/QM logs into the QuickMail MailCenter where your mail resides *2@and downloads your incoming messages to your PowerTalk In Tray. Helvetica Getting Started Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk ):;AppleTalk network connection to QuickMail server components *>APT/QM requires an AppleTalk connection to a QuickMail NameServer *2Eand QM Server system that has information about your QuickMail login account. #Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk software *YEThe Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk software includes the following compo- nents: Mail*Link PT/QM extension *>EMail*Link PT/QM is installed in the Extensions folder within the Sys- *2Gtem Folder. This extension contains both the Personal Messaging System *2AThe CSAM lets you look up addresses in QuickMail NameServer data- *22bases by using standard PowerTalk Find interfaces. QuickMessenger extension *>GQuickMessenger is installed in the Extensions folder within the System *2HFolder. It is licensed from CE Software and distributed as part of this *2Bproduct. QuickMessenger is responsible for communications between Mail*Link QM for PowerT )9(, a QuickMail NameServer, and QM Server system on the AppleTalk network. ):)System Folder:Preferences:StarNine folder *>HA folder named StarNine is created in the Preferences folder within the *2JSystem Folder. Initially, it contains Preferences file and Resources file *24used by the CSAM and a folder named Mail*Link PT/QM. ):9System Folder:Preferences:StarNine:Mail*Link PT/QM folder *>DThis folder contains a key file and a TeachText document named Down- *2 load All. *?KThe key file is required to validate the gateway each time it is executed. *2HPT/QM finds the key file in this folder and registers the Key ID on the *2Hlocal AppleTalk network. If it doesn t find the key file here, it shuts *2Ddown with an error message. After Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk begins Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk Helvetica Balloon help MHoperating, it will also contain the Mail*Link Log file and outbound mes- *2=sages that have been processed for transmission to QuickMail. Mail*Link Extras folder *?HA folder named Mail*Link Extras is copied to the top level of the Macin- *2Ftosh hard disk. It contains a StarNine business card and a file named Support Info that contains information about obtaining technical sup- *2Fport. This folder also contains the Import QM Address Books applica- *2Ftion for converting your existing address books to PowerTalk catalogs. QuickMail catalog *?FWhen you create the gateway within the Key Chain, a QuickMail catalog *2Eis added to the Catalogs icon. The icon for the QuickMail catalog is *2Elocked (it appears belted), because it does not support enumeration. *2FInstead, the QuickMail catalog can be searched using the standard Pow- erTalk mechanisms. Balloon help *YEMail*Link QM for PowerTalk has Balloon help within the configuration *2Gwindow. To turn it on, choose Show Balloons from the Balloon Help menu *2Kin the upper-right of the menu bar, or press the Help key on your extended *2Ikeyboard.Then, move the mouse cursor over an item to see a brief explana- tion of that item. *dGWhen you no longer need help, you can turn it off by choosing Hide Bal- *2Cloons in the Balloon Help menu or by pressing the Help key on your extended keyboard. %Installing Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk *YFBefore you begin, make a working copy of the Mail*Link PT/QM diskette *2?and put the original in a safe place. Then, follow these steps: ):>Insert the Mail*Link PT/QM disk in the Macintosh floppy drive. ):BDrag-and-drop the Mail*Link PT/QM Install script on the Installer. Helvetica Getting Started Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk FAfter dismissing the initial splash screen, the Easy Install window opens ( FIGURE 1 FIGURE 1 Easy Install window 9If you want to select which components to install, go to Custom instal- lation, below . Otherwise, click Install. 8When the installation is finished, you see this message: Click Restart or press Return. Custom installation *H,To customize which components are installed, ):.Click Customize in the main Installer window ( FIGURE 1 The Customize window opens ( FIGURE 2 on page 13 fdb30 2f&ff& f8c30 fLc30 323&f1 ffF#8` Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk Helvetica %Installing Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk FIGURE 2 Customize window MJFor a new installation, you should install at least the first three compo- *2Gnents. When you click an item to select it, information about what the *2/component contains is displayed below the list. ):1Select only those components you want to install. Click Install. Download All Messages option *HHBy default, PT/QM is configured to download your existing mail from the *2MQuickMail server to your In Tray the first time you activate the gateway. It *25then deletes the messages from the QuickMail server. If you don t want to Edelete your messages from the QuickMail server, you can turn off the default option described in The delete mail from server option on page ;If you want to download your existing mail to your In Tray without deleting G from the QuickMail server, select the Download All Messages option in the Customize window ( FIGURE 2 )#(You can select this option now, as part Mof the custom installation procedure, or later, after you have sent test mes- *2Bsages and checked that everything is working to your satisfaction. *dKNote that this option has no effect unless you uncheck the default configu- ration described in The delete mail from server option on page 19 f`@f$ * " Helvetica Getting Started Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk Zapf Dingbats MPORTANT 5If you have many messages in your QuickMail account, Ddownloading them all can take a while, consume a great deal of disk *2*space, and affect performance on the Macin tosh while the download is Jtaking place. In addition, if PT/QM finds less than 2 MB free disk space, *2>it disables itself and flags a problem report in your In Tray. &If you are updating a previous version *HFIf you are updating a previous version of Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk, *25you see this message before the Restart window opens: FIGURE 3 Important notice about updates MThe installation procedure changes the file-id that PowerTalk uses to locate *2Kthe Mail*Link PT/QM file. To write the new file-id in the PowerTalk config- *2?uration file, you must open and close the configuration window. ):/Log into PowerTalk after the Macintosh restarts Open the Key Chain. ):FDouble-click the QuickMail Service item to open the configuration win- *2@dow. The Status field in that window displays Close Window and Reboot. ):@Close the configuration window by clicking the close box in the upper-left corner. You will see this message: ):.Click Continue and then restart the Macintosh. 330331 330330 330332c ff`f` ff`f` ~f`f` `f`f` bf`f` `c33 `3?0c3 f`c33 `300c3 f`c33 `310c3 32`fdc33 33 fF1 32`ff1 33230 13#30 `ff` f` 0ff|>8 3003#30 3#3300 dc330 pc330 332300fFffLc33 Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk Helvetica -Adding the QuickMail Service to the Key Chain ):EIn the dialog that opens, select QuickMail Service and then click OK. M@A new service item labeled Not Configured appears in your Key Chain. ):JDouble-click in the Service field of the new item, or select the item and *46click Open, to open the gateway configuration window ( FIGURE 5 FIGURE 5 Gateway configuration window `63303 |`<3303 `83303 `<3303 `63303 |0331 ``|f` f` 0ff|>8 3003#30 3#3300 dc330 pc330 332300fFffLc33 rXQJ@ 332ly 330x_c 330pNff` 330xDff` 332l@ff`L HIA)$ IE $ @3#2d #3033 s330?3 #33003 @03&L 33113 @A)@@ IIJHI Helvetica Gateway Configuration Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk Required gateway configuration *\0These are the configuration parameters shown in FIGURE 5 ):!Required mail account information *>BYou must enter your QuickMail login name and password, and choose *2Bthe MailCenter you log into and the zone in which it resides. See Required mail account information on page 18 ):0Delete mail from server when placed in In Tray *?FBy default, this option is checked. It instructs PT/QM to delete your *2Dmessages from the QuickMail server after downloading them to the In Tray. See The delete mail from server option on page 19 Mail reader *?FBy default, the AppleMail application is opened when you double-click *4)a QuickMail message in your In Tray. See Selecting a mail reader page 20 Gateway connect times *?BThese options define when PT/QM connects to the QuickMail server. Gateway connect times on page 20 QuickMessenger Selection *?DThese display fields show the selected NameServer and its zone. See Choosing a NameServer on page 15 for details. State *ADThis display field indicates the state of the gateway software. See State field on page 21 !Required mail account information *HFTo supply the required mail account configuration, follow these steps: ):If you use a password to connect to QuickMail, click Password. *>FIn the dialog box that opens, type the password you use to connect to *2Gyour QuickMail MailCenter, confirm it, and then click OK. If you don *2Ghave a password and you open the dialog, just leave it blank and click Click MailCenter. *>KIn the dialog box that opens, select the Online MailCenter you log into to *2!use QuickMail, and then click OK. FIGURE 6 Select your MailCenter JThe name of the MailCenter and the zone in which it resides appear in the *2?QuickMail Account Information area of the configuration window. "The delete mail from server option *IGWhen checked, this option tells PT/QM to delete your messages from the *2IQuickMail server after downloading them to the In Tray. This option also *2Haffects how PT/QM handles your existing, read messages on the QuickMail *2Eserver when checked, all mail is downloaded to the In Tray (and then *25deleted from the server) at the next connect session. #3033 s330?3 #33003 33113 3w7ww !TqtG ! 2$H 0#32f` 0330~` 0330`` 1332b` Helvetica Gateway Configuration Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk Zapf Dingbats MPORTANT 5If you have many messages in your QuickMail account, Ddownloading them all can take a while, consume a great deal of disk *2Espace, and affect performance on the Macintosh while the download is *2Jtaking place. In addition, if PT/QM finds less than 2 MB free disk space, *2Cit disables itself and flags a problem report in your In Tray. See PowerTalk problem reports on page 64 for details. IIf you uncheck this option, your existing read messages will not be down- *2Hloaded at all unless you use the Download All Messages option described page 13 A. New mail will be downloaded to your In Tray as it is received, Lbut it will not be deleted from the server. Eventually, your account on the *2'QuickMail server will grow quite large. Selecting a mail reader *HJYou can select any mail-enabled application to be used automatically when *2Iyou double-click a QuickMail message in your In Tray. Follow these steps: Click Select. A dialog opens like the one in FIGURE 7 FIGURE 7 *Choosing a default mail reader application ):BSelect a mail-enabled application such as QuickMail AOCE and then click Open. Gateway connect times *HEGateway connect times determine how frequently PT/QM will connect to *2Kthe QuickMail system to check for incoming mail, and how long it will wait *2>to connect to the QuickMail system to send your outgoing mail. ):HLeave the default 10 or type a smaller number in the Connect Times edit field. `<||8 fdf`Fffd `>ffp `>||8 bd`#30 332l1 338x1 31&l1 Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk Helvetica Required gateway configuration MAThis number represents the minimum number of minutes the gateway *2Fwaits before connecting to the QuickMail server when there is no pend- *2Hing outgoing mail. If there is no mail to exchange either way, it takes *2Ivery little time for the gateway to connect to QuickMail, so it is appro- *2&priate to configure a short time here. ):DMake sure the option labeled Send outgoing immediately is checked. *?GThe Send outgoing immediately option tells the gateway to connect to *2Ethe QuickMail system immediately when there is outgoing mail in your *2EOut Tray. When the connection is made, any incoming mail waiting for *2Iyou in the QuickMail system is placed in the In Tray at that time. Check- ing this option is recommended. *>JIf this option is not checked, the gateway waits for the specified number *2Fof minutes (10 by default) and then connects to QuickMail to send and receive mail. The State field *H1The State field can contain one of these strings: Table 1 Software states Genesis 5This state is shown when the PMSAM has been created, *.!before PT/QM has been configured. Close Window and Reboot ;This state occurs after updating to a later release of the *.6PMSAM. It indicates that you must close the configura- *.6tion window and restart the Macintosh to activate the updated software. Loaded 4The Loaded state is normal it means that PT/QM is *.8present as a background process. The gateway is not nec- *.f`ff1 ff`~f1 Fff``f1 @03&L ffbbf1 >f<f` f` 0ff|>8 3003#30 3#3300 dc330 pc330 332300fFffLc33 E%*I J)J )H U%*AI! D)HI)@ Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk Helvetica &Activating or deactivating the gateway AIf you see an alert when you close the configuration window, see Gateway 0installation or configuration errors on page 63 KTo deactivate the gateway temporarily, so that no mail is sent or received *2Gbut PT/QM remains loaded and present in the system, follow these steps: ):8Open the Special menu in the Finder and choose m at. This dialog opens: M FIGURE 10 $Temporarily deactivating the gateway ):GUncheck the QuickMail mail connection (click in the check box) to deac- tivate the gateway. To re-activate the gateway, ):8Open the Special menu in the Finder and choose m at. ):ICheck the QuickMail mail connection (click in the check box) to turn the *2Hgateway back on. When the gateway is activated in this way, it executes a connect session immediately. E@DDT ffF#8` f`fdf`d xpfDIf your address is not returned in the Find Addresses window, Quick- *2FMessenger was either unable to reach the NameServer (for example, the *2DNameServer system might be down), or the NameServer selected in the *21Chooser does not know about your login account. *?GIf some entries are returned but your name is not among them, then the *2IFind interface is working, but the selected NameServer did not find your *4/name. Open the Chooser and repeat the steps in Choosing a NameServer on page 15 *. If you are not sure which NameServer to M(choose, ask the QuickMail administrator. "DB$D Helvetica Gateway Configuration Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk ):HChoose Send in the Mail menu, and then click the Send button in the dia- log that opens. FIGURE 13 +Sending a verification message to QuickMail Zapf Dingbats p f&f`fL O C30 "DB$D PA%(@R BQHA( NQHA( $Dj@ $Dr@ $Db $Db Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk Helvetica Sending a test message ):JDouble click the message to open it. You should see a text representation of the message, like this: M FIGURE 15 .A text representation of the QuickMail message 0If the message doesn t appear in your In Tray. If the message doesn Oappear in your In Tray, there are several possible explanations. It s possible *2Ethat the gateway software was unable to log into QuickMail using the *2Kaccount information in its configuration window, or that the MailCenter is *2Idown. If you typed in an address (instead of using Find Addresses), it *2(possible that the address was incorrect. Check your Out Tray. 6If the message doesn t appear in your In Tray after a Afew moments, open your Out Tray. (Choose Out Tray in the Mailbox *2Jmenu.) If you see a problem alert button in the upper-right corner of the Out Tray window, click it. ~8`33 bL`33 <8031 B E)A%) B E)1%/ fFff`` f>ff`` ffdf`` rB J^ JLa&H PA%(@R E>F $ Click here for reports Helvetica Gateway Configuration Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk A problem report window opens: FIGURE 16 Problem report window PowerTalk problem reports on page 64 for details on the messages +you might see in the problem report window. *d'Message status waiting in Out Tray. !If the message status in the Out MTray is waiting , the message has not been sent to QuickMail. If there is a *2Hproblem alert button in the upper-right corner of the window, click it. *KEChoose Send Now from the Mailbox menu. Then, open the log file and check for error messages. See Checking the log file on page 67 $Message status in Out Tray. &If the message status in the Out Tray done, QuickMessenger has successfully logged in to QuickMail and *2&extracted the message from PowerTalk. *KMLog into your QuickMail account and see if the test message is there. If you *2Ldo not see the test message in your QuickMail mail account, check the login *4"name and password you configured ( Required mail account information on page 18 @). If they are correct, send another message from PowerTalk and see if it triggers the download. *KKAlso, make sure that there is more than 2 MB of free disk space on the Mac- *2Kintosh. If the gateway determines that the Macintosh has less than 2 MB of *2?disk space left, it will not retrieve messages from QuickMail. f|Before you remove PT/QM from the Key Chain, copy the contents M!of your In Tray to a folder. See Mail is deleted when you remove PT/QM on page 62 for related issues. Helvetica Gateway Configuration Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk Helvetica , CHAPTER 3 Managing QuickMail Addresses FThis chapter shows how to manage QuickMail addresses in the PowerTalk *2Jenvironment. It describes how to create personal catalogs from your Quick- *2EMail address books and how to add a new QuickMail address entry to a *2Kpersonal catalog. It also shows how to create individual address templates *2;on the Desktop for QuickMail addresses you use frequently. -Creating personal catalogs from address books *YDAfter you use the Import QM Address Books application, your Quick- *2CMail address books are available as personal catalogs in PowerTalk. !Importing QuickMail address books *HCQuickMail normally stores address books in a folder named Address *2IBooks within a folder named QuickMail Stuff in the Preferences folder *2Bwithin the System Folder. The Import QM Address Books application *20expects to find address books in that location. Zapf Dingbats MPORTANT 8If QuickMail is installed on a different Macintosh than MDPowerTalk, you must copy the entire QuickMail Stuff folder to the Helvetica Managing QuickMail Addresses Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk FPreferences folder within the System Folder on the local startup disk *2:before you launch the Import QM Address Books application. 1To import your address books, follow these steps: ):%Double-click Import QM Address Books. *>HOpen the Mail*Link Extras folder at the top level of the Macintosh disk *2Hand launch the application. A dialog opens that lists all of your Quick- Mail address books ( FIGURE 17 )). If your address books are not listed, Hthey were not found in the expected location, as explained in the impor- tant note immediately above. FIGURE 17 List of QuickMail address books ):,Select the address books you want to import. *>CShift-click to select multiple discontiguous books in the list, or *2HOption-click to select a range of multiple address books. Or, press Com- *2 mand-a to select the whole list. Click Create Personal Catalog. *>IA dialog opens in which you can specify the location of the personal cat- alogs. 3&q0s, !IH$ 9'Ix$ DI)I@$ D9'q0# aC C AI= y AI! A B Ax( !Hy)IH )HA I@ A%%)`X A=%)A A!%)BP Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk Helvetica -Creating personal catalogs from address books M FIGURE 18 5Selecting the location for your new personal catalogs ):DSelect the folder in which you want to store your personal catalogs. *?EIf you want to create a new folder, click the New Folder button. The *2Iapplication creates a new folder, opens the folder, and shows the folder name as the current selection. Click Select. *?HThe application imports all addresses in the selected QuickMail address *2Gbooks to PowerTalk and creates personal catalogs. Each catalog has the *2%same name as its source address book. )Imported addresses requiring modification *HGMost QuickMail addresses are imported directly into the PowerTalk cata- *2Elog and are usable without any modification. However, some addresses *2Gthat require routing to other mail systems might use addressing conven- *2Gtions that are not supported by the QuickMessenger extension. For exam- *2Aple, an at-sign (@) in the First name field is supported by some *2EQuickMail-to-SMTP gateways, but is not recognized by the QuickMessen- *dKIf an at-sign is found in the First name field of an entry and the Address *2Ifield is empty, the Import QM Address Books application copies the con- *2Itents of the First name field to the Address field and then converts the Courier /the First name field to an asterisk character ( ). When it modifies an +address in this way, it displays an alert ( FIGURE 19 f`|c33 300Change the incorrect fields in the QuickMail address template. M FIGURE 22 Changing an incorrect entry )0 FIGURE 22 <, the First name field has been translated and the original MEInternet address has been preserved in the Address field. To fix the *2Dentry, change the name fields to contain a valid QuickMail name and *2%make sure the Address field is valid. ):-Close the template by clicking the close box. Zapf Dingbats =When you close the template, the gateway software performs a M&minimal audit on the information. See Error checking in the QuickMail address template on page 47 for details. 300p330 "2)J) #2"` &#)K) 0`0 92Fffdf`d I0>ffc "2)J) &#)K) RHJI NHBI RHBI RHJI II!)$ I9! $ II! $ II!)$ f`ff1 ff`~f1 DFff``f1 ffbbf1 >f<Open the mail-enabled application by double-clicking its icon. Helvetica Finding QuickMail Addresses Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk 0A window opens showing the standard mail fields: FIGURE 25 Mail fields in AppleMail ):9Click the Recipients button to open an addressing window. ):FSelect the magnifying glass icon in the addressing window to open the Find Address pane. FIGURE 26 The Find Address pane ):&Select QuickMail in the Search pop-up. *>6The Recipients field contains the addresses you added: M FIGURE 27 Multiple QuickMail recipients w oTs iTr> 5UU`h Helvetica Finding QuickMail Addresses Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk Changing a recipient s status *HITo change one of the recipients to status, double-click on *2Ithe recipient s name. The information displayed will look something like this: FIGURE 28 Sending a CC copy LClick the CC or BCC radio button to change the recipient s status, and then click OK. See QuickMail addresses obtained in a Find on page 56 for *details about the Address format shown in FIGURE 28 Removing a recipient *HJIf you need to remove a recipient, highlight it in the recipient list and *2Gchoose Undo Address in the Edit menu. Or, you can drag the highlighted recipient to the Trash. !Using the Find in Catalog command *YHThe Find in Catalog command finds user entries in the selected catalog. *2LLike business cards, catalog entries can include more information than just the users e-mail addresses. *dFWhen you find a user s catalog entry by using the Find in Catalog com- *2Lmand, you can create an alias for the item by dragging it to the Desktop or *2Nto a personal catalog. The entry will be italicized, indicating that it is an *2Nalias rather than a local copy of information. An alias that includes a Quick- *2HMail address will be validated in the NameServer database each time you *2Iuse the alias. While this validation process ensures the address will be Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk Helvetica !Using the Find in Catalog command Hup-to-date, it can involve some performance penalty on a large network. Address aliases that no longer work on page 62 for related issues. IAlternatively, you can drag just the e-mail address portion of a catalog *2Jentry to your Desktop, creating an address template that can then be modi- *2Mfied. Address templates are local copies of an item, which are no longer val- idated in the NameServer. See Creating an address template from a reply address on page 37 for more details. 7To use the Find in Catalog command, follow these steps: ):#Launch the Find in Catalog command. *>EDepending on which system the Macintosh is running, the Find in Cata- *2Elog command is usually in the Apple ( ) menu or one of its submenus. *?!The Find in Catalog window opens: M FIGURE 29 Find in Catalog window ):EChoose the type of search you want to execute (such as Users) in the Find pop-up. ):HChoose the catalog you want to search (such as QuickMail, All Catalogs, *2Dor Everywhere). The QuickMail catalog is the NameServer selected in the Chooser. ):JEnter the first few characters of the first or last name you want to find and then click Find. Helvetica Finding QuickMail Addresses Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk IFor each user in the selected catalog whose name contains the characters *2Hyou specified, an entry will be returned. Depending on which catalog is *2Bbeing searched, the entry may include e-mail addresses, phone num- bers, and other information. ):1Double-click on a user s name to open that entry. ):*Choose Electronic Addresses in the pop-up. ):EDouble-click on the Name field in the Electronic Addresses window to *2&view the fields of the user s address. FIGURE 30 QuickMail address template Using the QuickMail address template on page 46 for information Kabout using this template to specify an address manually if you can t find the address in a catalog. 3$A2"3&Q2@ ""$_# ""$P &"$Y"@ "2)J) &#)K) " "" "" *" Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk Helvetica , CHAPTER 5 Typing In QuickMail Addresses ?The Personal Messaging System Access Module (PMSAM) contains a *2HQuickMail Address Template that enables you to specify addresses in the *2GQuickMail system or beyond. (The gateway gives you access to QuickMail *2Eand to all other mail systems to which you had access when using the *2GQuickMail application. So, if you could send mail to the Internet from *2BQuickMail, you can now send mail to the Internet from PowerTalk.) *dBYou can type in QuickMail addresses by using one of these methods: ):>Use the QuickMail Address Template to add entries to a catalog ):f`ff1 ff`~f1 DFff``f1 ffbbf1 >f<Double-click the icon to open the QuickMail address template ( FIGURE M FIGURE 37 QuickMail Address template ):GHighlight the text in the edit fields and type the appropriate address. Using the QuickMail address template on page 46 for more details. Close the address template. Close the catalog entry. ,Specifying an address in another mail system *HJThis example shows how to type in an Internet address, which requires the *2Fpresence of an SMTP gateway within the local QuickMail configuration. "2)J) #2"` &#)K) RDA$H f`ff1 ff`~f1 DFff``f1 ffbbf1 >f<f`ff1 ff`~f1 DFff``f1 ffbbf1 >f<port users whose last name includes a space character, such as Van Gogh|Vincent KA space character is ordinarily used as a delimiter between the First name *2Jand Last name fields, which precluded users with two-part last names. The *2,internal address syntax solves this anomaly. *dKIf you type in an address for a user whose last name includes a space char- *20acter, you must use the internal address syntax: first mailcenter address For example: +KT#Van Gogh|Vincent@BID_QM Danger Zone #3033 Bs330?3 B#33003 33113 Helvetica Typing In QuickMail Addresses Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk &However, if the user s last name does )8$ include a space character, you can use the more ordinary first-name last-name syntax when typing in addresses: Courier first mailcenter address FFor example, to type in an address to a user named Joe Smith at the *2=BID_QM MailCenter located in the Danger Zone, you can type: Joe Smith@BID_QM Danger Zone or simply Joe@BID_QM Danger Zone 1If you type a valid QuickMail address using the first-name last-name Ftax shown immediately above, the gateway does not convert it into the *2Jinternal representation. Instead it uses the alternate syntax shown below: FIGURE 44 /Alternate syntax when valid address is typed in HD)JX Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk Helvetica , CHAPTER 6 Solving Problems HThis chapter describes some problems you might see when using Mail*Link *2EQM for PowerTalk, and shows the problem reporting mechanisms used by the software. PowerTalk and PT/QM problems *YLIf the gateway does not appear to be functioning, first check for a problem report in the In Tray. See PowerTalk problem reports on page 64 KThe gateway will not function at all if you are not currently logged in to *2JPowerTalk. So, if you have just started your Macintosh or you have locked *2Myour identity, the gateway will be unable to send or receive mail to or from QuickMail. *Mail returned with thumbs down indicator *HLIf a message is returned to your Out Tray with an through its icon, dou- *2Pble-click the message to open it. If one of the recipient addresses is preceded *2Fby a thumbs down icon, double-click on the thumbs-down indicator to *27open a window containing information about the problem. Helvetica Solving Problems Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk thumbs down problem is usually either an invalid address or invalid *2Fmessage format. Depending on which message you see in the problem win- *2Ldow, either verify the recipient address or make sure that you sent the mes- sage in AppleMail format. FIGURE 45 (AppleMail format selected in pop-up menu KIf you are sure that the QuickMail address is correct and AppleMail format *2%was used, try removing the QuickMail service from the Key Chain by open- Jing the Key Chain, selecting the service, and clicking the Remove button. *57Then, add the QuickMail service again, as described in Adding the Quick- )Mail Service to the Key Chain on page 16 Zapf Dingbats MPORTANT 7 Before you remove PT/QM, copy the contents of your In Tray to a folder. See Mail is deleted when you remove PT/QM on page for related issues. KIf the problem persists, try removing PT/QM and then re-installing it. See How to remove the gateway software on page 71 PIf the mail is still returned after you have verified the address and tried the *2Isteps above, you should remove the PowerTalk Setup Preferences file from *2GSystem Folder:Preferences and then add the QuickMail service back into *2Hthe Key Chain. If removing the PowerTalk Setup Preferences file doesn *2-help, you might have to re-install PowerTalk. 'QuickMail user receives a blank message *HLPT/QM requires that all outgoing mail is in AppleMail format or, if you are *2Drunning the QuickMail AOCE application, in QuickMail format. If you *2=need to send a message in some other format supported by the 330332 330330 30330ffg 30330 30332 0#32f` 0330~` 0330`` 1332b` )$RR Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk Helvetica PowerTalk and PT/QM problems Jmail-enabled application you are using, check the Multiple Formats option *4 in the Send dialog, as shown in [ FIGURE 46 M FIGURE 46 Multiple mail formats CAs long as the AppleMail format (or QuickMail format) is included, *2FPT/QM can forward the message. Otherwise, the recipient may receive a blank message. $Bad Configuration in the state field *HJThe Bad Configuration state indicates that the information contained in *2Ethe PowerTalk Setup Preferences file for the PT/QM PMSAM is incorrect Try removing the QuickMail service # from the Key Chain by opening the LKey Chain, selecting the service, and clicking the Remove button. Then, add *54the service to the Key Chain again, as described in Adding the QuickMail $Service to the Key Chain on page 16 Zapf Dingbats MPORTANT 7 Before you remove PT/QM, copy the contents of your In Tray to a folder. See Mail is deleted when you remove PT/QM on page for related issues. LIf the condition still persists, you should remove the PowerTalk Setup Pref- *2Gerences file from System Folder:Preferences and then add the QuickMail *2Gservice back into the Key Chain. If the problem persists, try removing *5%PT/QM and then re-installing it. See How to remove the gateway soft- on page 71 330332 330330 30330ffg 30330 30332 HH3>>1 0#32f` 0330~` 0330`` 1332b` P(3>>1 HH0|<|8 8fFfd )$RR Helvetica Solving Problems Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk #Address aliases that no longer work *HHWhen you use the Find in Catalog command to find addresses, you can cre- *2Jate an alias by dragging the entire business card to your Desktop or to a personal catalog. *dHFor aliases that represent QuickMail addresses, PowerTalk asks the CSAM *2J(Find interface) to validate the address each time the alias is used. The *2DCSAM will do this by querying the NameServer database each time you *2Odouble-click the alias to access the information or use the address. There are *23two situations in which the NameServer query fails: ):CIf any of the address fields in the alias have been changed in the *21NameServer database, the entry will not be found. ):FIf a different NameServer has been selected for QuickMessenger in the *2CChooser, and the new NameServer does not contain the same entries, the entry will not be found. KIf a different NameServer has been selected in the Chooser and you need to *2Fuse the alias, open the Chooser and select the NameServer that knows *2Eabout the address you need. If you are not sure which NameServer to *2(choose, ask the QuickMail administrator. *dJIf the same NameServer is in use, you need to create a new alias for that *2Maddress. First, discard the alias that no longer works by dragging it to the *2JTrash. Then, use the Find in Catalog command again, locate the entry, and create a new alias. %Mail is deleted when you remove PT/QM *HDOnce you have installed a personal gateway such as Mail*Link QM for *2HPowerTalk in the Key Chain, if you subsequently remove the gateway from *2Hthe Key Chain, any mail in your In Tray that has been downloaded by the *2Hgateway will be deleted. We strongly advise you to copy the contents of *2Hyour In Tray to a folder before removing any personal gateways from the *2GKey Chain. However, if you forget to copy your In Tray before removing *2CPT/QM, you can recover your lost messages by following these steps: ):DOpen the IPM Bin folder within the PowerTalk Data folder in the System Folder. *?EAll of the messages are still there with blank icons and 8-digit hex names. Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk Helvetica PowerTalk and PT/QM problems ):,Drag the files on top of the AppleMail icon. *>EThe files will launch the AppleMail application and display your mes- *2!sages, including file enclosures. GIf you prefer, you can open the files within AppleMail and then choose Save As in the AppleMail File menu to specify a name for each message *2Nand restore the original type and creator. That way, the files icons will be *2Lrestored and you can then open them by double-clicking on the file. Or, you *2Kcan use a file utility such as FileType , Disk Top or ResEdit to restore *23the files original type (lttr) and creator (lap2). ,Gateway installation or configuration errors *HHThe following messages may be displayed in alert dialogs when you close the configuration window: Courier *M@You have not specified a QuickMail login name. Changes will not be saved if you continue. +:>FClick Stop in the alert dialog to return to the configuration window. *2FThen, enter your QuickMail login name and close the configuration win- dow again. See Required mail account information on page 18 for details. 8You have not selected a QuickMail MailCenter. Press the MailCenter button. Changes will not be saved if you continue. +:=FClick Stop in the alert dialog to return to the configuration window. *2GThen, click the MailCenter button and choose the Online MailCenter you usually log into. See Required mail account information on page 18 for details. 6You have not selected a QuickMessenger server. Select *.>QuickMessenger from the Chooser. Changes will not be saved if you continue. +:=AClick Stop to return to the configuration window. Then, open the *2BYou specified incorrect information about your QuickMail account. *2EClick Stop to return to the configuration window, and make sure that *2Cyou entered the right user login name, password (if any), and Mail- Center. =Unable to login to QuickMail. MailCenter name is bad.Changes *."will not be saved if you continue. +:=CYou chose the wrong MailCenter in the gateway configuration. Click *2EStop to return to the configuration window, and click the MailCenter *2=button to choose the Online MailCenter you normally log into. @Unable to login to QuickMail. User name is bad.Changes will not be saved if you continue. +:=EYou specified the wrong login name for your QuickMail account. Click *2EStop to return to the configuration window and check your login name for typos. ?Unable to login to QuickMail. Password is bad.Changes will not be saved if you continue. +:>CYou specified the wrong password for your QuickMail account. Click *2GStop to return to the configuration window and then click the Password button. Re-enter your password. PowerTalk problem reports *YEIf the gateway reports a correctable problem to PowerTalk, PowerTalk *2Iwaits until you have resolved the problem before allowing the gateway to *2Icontinue functioning. In general, the gateway reports problem conditions *2Fthrough the PowerTalk problem reporting mechanism, which causes a but- Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk Helvetica PowerTalk problem reports Lton to be displayed and activated in the top right corner of the In Tray or Out Tray, as shown in FIGURE 47 M FIGURE 47 .Button indicating problem reports in PowerTalk =Click the PowerTalk problem reports button to open a window ( FIGURE M FIGURE 48 &Click Resolve after fixing the problem IWhen you have taken the appropriate action to resolve the problem, click *2LResolve. If you click Resolve before fixing the problem, PT/QM is activated *2Iagain and the same message will be generated again and added to this win- *2Gdow. If the problem is noted more than once, it can cause PowerTalk to *2 deactivate the gateway software. " !$ @dLbL AD )T %!bJR @D )$ ='BJR !)BJR rR)I=E*)H$ E*)H$ Click here f|Unable to initialize StarNine interfaces. Gateway will not be *. executed. +:=FThis message is rare it can indicate a problem in PowerTalk. Please *2/contact StarNine at (510) 649-4949 to get help. Unable to login to QuickMail. +:=8Open the Key Chain, and then double-click the QuickMail service Dopen the configuration window. Check that your QuickMail login name and password are correct. Key file errors *HAThe following messages may also be displayed in a problem report: *M>Key registration failed. A Duplicate copy of this gateway may *-;be executing in your network. The gateway will not execute! +:>BThis message means that the gateway software detected a duplicate *2Ecopy of your gateway ID on the AppleTalk network. It s possible that *20another user installed a copy of your software. =A valid key file was not found. The gateway will not execute! +:=GThis message means that the key file distributed with Mail*Link QM for *2CPowerTalk is either missing or somehow corrupted. Call StarNine at *2((510) 649-4949 to obtain a new key file. Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk Helvetica Checking the log file Checking the log file *YGPT/QM writes status and error messages to a file named Mail*Link PT/QM *2,Log. The log file is located in this folder: +:K2System Folder:Preferences:StarNine:Mail*Link PT/QM PThe log file is a text file that can be opened by any application that can read *2Ktext files, such as the TeachText application or almost any other word pro- *2Icessing program. If the gateway does not seem to be sending or receiving *2Kmail, you should open this file and check the messages. Error messages nor- *231 characters). Username is a combi- nation of first and last names. -9697 m'Bad QuickMail Mailcenter specification. -9696 m!Bad QuickMail Zone specification. Helvetica Solving Problems Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk #Macintosh and AppleTalk error codes The codes in Table 3 and Table 4 ( represent standard Macintosh and Apple- Talk errors. -9695 "@Bad QuickMail 'special address' field (or 'real' email address) specification. -9694 "5Address in total is too large to submit to QuickMail. Table 3 'Macintosh file system or memory errors Error code Description Directory is full. Disk is full. No such volume. I/O error. File not open. End-of-file. Too many files open. File not found. Diskette is write protected. File is locked. Volume is locked. File is busy. Duplicate filename. +Not enough room in the heap zone of memory. Miscellaneous memory errors. A resource could not be found. Table 4 AppleTalk errors Error code Description -1096: Request failed. -1097: Too many requests outstanding. -1098: Too many sockets open. -1099: Bad or unopen socket number. Table 2 Gateway error codes (Continued) Error code QuickMail error condition Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk Helvetica Checking the log file QuickMessenger error codes The error codes shown in Table 5 , will appear in the log file if the related !QuickMail errors are encountered. Table 5 QuickMessenger error codes Error code QuickMail error condition -20480 m!QuickMail older than version 2.6. -20479 m'Ask for password on open checked in DA. -20478 m#The specified zone cannot be found. -20477 m)The specified MailCenter cannot be found. -20476 m,The specified address book cannot be found. -20475 m$The specified group cannot be found. -20474 m(More than 32K data for list. Truncated. -20473 Call back later. -20472 Not the user's password. -20471 The user is already connected. -20470 Server is pre-2.6. -20469 Cannot create the connection. -20468 m"Invalid message reference number. -20467 m%Invalid connection reference number. -20466 Invalid recipient list. -20465 GetList selector unknown. -20464 AddrBook or Group corrupt. -20463 m)Not an online MailCenter (can't log in). -20462 m!Demo or beta server has expired. -20461 m"User can't log in to this server. -20460 Misc server error logging in. -20459 Message topic > 27 chars long. -20458 m!Message body > 24576 chars long. -20457 m!Message priority not 0 or [1.5]. -20456 m!Probably too few fields in form. -20455 m Recipient spec badly formatted. -20454 m=NameServer verification of name failed. This could mean that *.7the NameServer selected in the Chooser resides on a QM *.9Server Macintosh other than where your online MailCenter *.&This causes the Macintosh to restart. *?EWhen the Macintosh comes up, open the Key Chain again. If you see an *2Finstalled service with no name, remove it. The Macintosh will restart *2Fagain, after which the Key Chain should show no sign of the QuickMail *2-service or the empty service with no name. ):>Insert the Mail*Link PT/QM disk in the Macintosh floppy drive. ):BDrag-and-drop the Mail*Link PT/QM Install script on the Installer. ):(Click Customize in the Installer window. ):FSelect the PT/QM software by pressing Shift and clicking on each item. ):CHold down the Option key. The Install button changes to the Remove button, as shown in FIGURE 49 M FIGURE 49 Removing PT/QM ):*Click Remove. Then, restart the Macintosh. 323&f1 f`@f$ Helvetica Solving Problems Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk Helvetica About this guide Access code, key chain activating the gateway after configuration after turning off address books creating personal catalogs 9 selecting 9 translations of illegal address formats Addresses adding to catalog adding to recipient list creating aliases on Desktop 9 entering addresses destined for another mail system entering foreign mail system addresses in template fixing old aliases how to create an address template internal representation Times Internet address example on Desktop QuickMail address template typing in using Find Addresses using Find in Catalog working with QuickMail +K- addresses AOCE SlotID AppleMail default reader finding QuickMail addresses format required opening opening Find Addresses sending a CC copy AppleTalk registration of gateway ID applications Import QM Address Books Index Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk asterisk in converted addresses Helvetica Bad Configuration Times Balloon help blank message received Books, see )L ess books bullet character in personal catalogs business card, StarNine business cards checking addresses opening the Electronic Address section restrictions Buttons alert button Catalog adding a QuickMail address adding an address in another mail system creating a new user creating an entry by copying a Catalog icon Catalog Service Access module Catalogs All Catalogs Everywhere personal, see Personal catalogs QuickMail CE Software QuickMessenger software characters asterisk, in First name field at-sign (@), in First name field bullet Chooser, selecting NameServer Clearing log file Close window and reboot Configuration activating basic options opening configuration window Connect times in gateway conventions in this guide Create Personal Catalog defined Find interfaces Current State Customize Download All Messages required components database, see NameServer date, appended to log file deactivating the gateway Defaults AppleMail reader downloading and deleting messages from QuickMail Delete mail from server option deleting old log files Desktop aliases for addresses Desktop, address templates discontiguous selection Disk space required for gateway function Disk space, required Downloading messages default behavior disk space issues Installer option performance issues without deleting from MS without deleting from +K- QuickMail Downloading QuickMail, see Gateway connect times "Dragging e-mail address to create alias duplicate copies of a gateway Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk Helvetica Electronic Addresses enumeration, not supported in QuickMail catalog error checking, QuickMail . addresses error messages Times Examples activating the configured gateway 9 adding a QuickMail address to a catalog adding service to Key Chain addresses in other mail systems copying and modifying a QuickMail catalog entry creating a new user with a QuickMail address custom install deactivating the gateway temporarily easy install finding an address internal address format 9 QuickMail address with two-part +K- last name selecting a mail reader typing in a QuickMail address updating using Find in Catalog using the QuickMail address template existing messages, downloading from QuickMail Extensions, System extensions Extras folder fields containing incorrect values in QuickMail addresses file-ID, requirements for updating Find Addresses adding to recipient list in QuickMail opening search strings Find in Catalog finding QuickMail addresses introduced opening viewing electronic addresses Finder Special menu-I First name searches Folders Mail*Link Extras Preferences:StarNine:Mail*Link PT/QM System Gateway configuration window connect times disk space needed internal address representation verifying operations Genesis groups, finding group . addresses icons magnifying glass pencil illegal characters in QuickMail address fields Import QM Address Books In Tray opening a test message Incoming mail, when to download incorrect fields temporarily saved installation Installer options Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk updating Helvetica using Installer Times Installer options +&- customize Download All Messages internal address representation displayed internal audit on QuickMail . addresses Internet address, example invalid field entries *1 Key Chain adding QuickMail Service opening opening gateway configuration window Key file error conditions Last name field containing space character special issues Last name searches Loaded location change log file date appended deleting location maximum size time stamps *0 Macintosh Chooser, selecting NameServer requirements restarting magnifying glass icon Mail*Link Extras Mail*Link PT/QM extension PMSAM MailCenter for foreign mail systems in gateway setup in internal address format Names entering a two-part last name searching for addresses NameServer local configuration issues obtaining addresses maintained in database requirements selection Not Loaded opening an addressing window Outgoing mail, send immediately password entering your QM password leaving blank Personal catalogs bullet character in catalog creating from address books translations of illegal characters $pipe character, in internal address format PMSAM, defined Power PC PowerTalk creating gateway service opening Key Chain problem reports see also Requirements Preferences location problem reports Problems Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk bad configuration status Helvetica mail returned thumbs user receives blank message *1 QuickMail address books catalog icon downloading existing messages group addresses login account in gateway setup MailCenter in gateway setup NameServer selected in Chooser NameServer selection QuickMessenger component requirements QuickMail address template error checking foreign mail system address Times incorrect values retained QuickMail address, Addresses QuickMessenger configuration introduced recipients changing status including multiple recommendations for entering gateway addresses Requirements disk space 9 Macintosh PowerTalk, when updating a service System 7 Pro Resources location !restrictions, checked in address template Search strings in Find Addresses Send outgoing immediately StarNine business card folder contents State bad configuration close window and reboot genesis loaded not loaded Support Info System extensions Mail*Link PT/QM QuickMessenger System Folder Control Panels Extensions Preferences, StarNine System requirements Requirements troubleshooting, )1 Problems turning off the gateway Updating gateway software Updating Mail*Link PT/QM Verifying gateway operations in internal address format Palatino Mail*Link QM for PowerTalk in QuickMail addresses, when required Helvetica of your QuickMail MailCenter @@P0 D1B8=;0952> @` B=@?#"'*+-0 !;HDSAO xP(H`X $%./016 @` D1B8=;0952> B=@?#"'*+-0 !;HDSAO $%./016 temp.0001 StarNine Technologies, Inc. Berkeley, California 94710. FrameMaker NOFST Zapf Dingbats Palatino Times Helvetica Courier Lmf\K Lmf\K jPREC vPRVS